Archive | College Mental Health

Social Media and Self-Esteem

Social Media and Self-Esteem: 3 Ways to Improve the Way Social Media Makes You Feel By: Ella-Mei Matias, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate intern, supervised by Dr. Hannah Roberts Social media seems to consume us nowadays. From mindlessly scrolling, to relaxation, or even when using with friends, it’s everywhere. While social media offers many positive […]

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Why Your True Crime Obsession Is Bad For Your Anxiety

Why Your True Crime Obsession Is Bad For Your Anxiety by Gavin Hannegan, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate intern, supervised by Dr. Hannah Roberts Getting scared can feel thrilling and cathartic. Forms of entertainment, like horror movies, are entirely dedicated to instilling these feelings in people. While we can recognize that the monster on the […]

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Therapy for Future Therapists

Think You Want to Become a Therapist? Go to Therapy! “Understanding why people suffer, how they change, and how to help them live satisfying lives is a fascinating and important undertaking.” ~John & Rita Sommers-Flanagan by Gavin Hannegan, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate intern, supervised by Dr. Hannah Roberts How can you tell if being […]

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Therapy for College Students

Why Therapy Is Important for College Students “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” ~Fred Rogers by Gavin Hannegan, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate intern, supervised by Dr. Hannah Roberts College life […]

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Coping with College Roommates

The College Series: A Simple Strategy To Survive College For First Year Students

Dear New College Student: Congrats! You have made it through that magical, frustrating experience that is high school and are headed off to college! Here is a simple strategy to survive college: Take It Slow Didn’t see that one coming? I know. I’m sure everyone in your life is telling you that “these will be the […]

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Thrive SLO College Series Cover Image

The College Series: Letting Go. Four Things Every Parent Needs To Practice When Their Student Leaves For College

Letting Go For the last 18 years or so, a main part of your identity has been about being a parent. You’ve been known as “Emily’s mom.” Your days have been structured around your child’s schedule: what time school begins, what lunch needs they have, what time you have to get to practice, and what groceries […]

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