How To: Have Better Boundaries with Your Smartphone “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” ~Anne Lamott by Gavin Hannegan, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo undergraduate intern, supervised by Dr. Hannah Roberts Every Sunday morning, my iPhone sends me a notification reviewing my average screen time for the […]
Archive | Authenticity

New Year, More Me
For better or worse, the holidays are over. We are now inundated with messages about change and self-improvement, often with an emphasis on diet and exercise. There is so much pressure to be different. You know, new year, new me. I find myself struggling to push back against the narrative that I must change something […]

Confessions of a Recovering Know It All
I have recently reached a new level of understanding of the value of acknowledging that I don’t know the answer for something. Growing up I was often asked to function above my level of ability or development. There was little room for not knowing. Not knowing was dangerous and unacceptable on some level. So, […]

Pansexual Pride
Today is Pansexual pride day. I just happened to notice it on social media, it warmed my pandemic heart. Happy Pan Pride!!! It took me a long time to embrace my sexuality and find a term that fit for me and my internal experience of my sexuality. I was 30 when I first heard the […]

Reject Being Likable!
There are two common things I hear in my office. One is that clients are often wondering how to find people who they can really connect with. The second is people are often afraid to be truly seen due to fear of rejection. What I have learned is that people often settle for being, nice […]
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